Planning for Profit with Tony Cross from Empiric Partners

October 5 2023

Planning for Profit with Tony Cross from Empiric Partners

Tuesday 31st October 2023 10am-11.30am.  

This Workshop will address the importance of planning to achieve a sustainable and profitable business. The topics will include.

  • The critical distinction between managing the “accounts” and understanding the performance of the business.
  • The key inputs to financial forecasting including revenue, fixed and variable costs, and profitability.
  • The development of an effective pricing strategy.
  • The creation of Key Performance Indicators which provide up-to- date management information to aid decisions and facilitate medium term planning.

If all is going well but the numbers are a little uncertain and the future more challenging than usual you benefit from coming along to Tony’s workshop 31st October 10-11.30am. Book your free place, cuppas and biscuits included!

About Tony Cross, Managing Partner

Tony is an economist who has a background in academia, consultancy, and corporate business. He left that world in 2015 to establish his own practice, delivering strategic guidance to developers and others. In 2017 he became the Managing Partner of a boutique consultancy specialising in providing sound practical advice and guidance on a whole range of topics to SMEs and public bodies. Tony has specialised in business planning, tendering for work, pricing, and growth strategies. He provides one-to-one mentoring for business owners and along with his colleagues in Empiric Partners, offers guidance on all aspects of business operation. Having successfully led two start-up businesses since 2015 Tony speaks and provides his advice from experience!

For more information see