Date: 24/01/22
Time: 10-11:30am
When you are thinking about starting a business you will often have a million ideas and possibilities running around your head. It can feel like a huge task to get all of these ideas into one page, or to work it into a workable model. The thought of turning these ideas into a working business plan can feel pretty daunting too.
In this session, we will be working through the business model canvas. This is a super valuable tool to help you work up a model for your business and to get your ideas into a narrative. You can then use this model and the clarity it creates to construct a solid draft of a business plan.
This interactive session will be led by Jamie McGowan. With years of experience in growing a connected and engaged community of startups and entrepreneurs, Jamie has worked through the business model with hundreds of businesses.In 2019 Jamie was named UK-wide Entrepreneurs’ Champion at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards.
Away from work, Jamie can either be found running after his son, running around a football pitch or running games of Dungeons and Dragons for his nerd friends.
If you have any questions drop Hope (ho**@th***********.uk) an email!